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"I healed more in three months than in the past ten years."

"The right tests showed the problem wasn't in my head."


What is Menopause?
As a woman’s body ages, hormone levels fluctuate & eventually decline. This change can cause symptoms such as hot flashes, breast tenderness, irritability, mood swings, painful cramping, and weight gain.

What can I do for it?
These hormone changes can be detected through a simple blood test from your NCOH doctor. From there, we have many different options of treatment for balancing hormones. Herbal medicines can mimic hormones & help your own production of hormones, while bio-identical hormones replace the estrogen, progesterone, or testosterone that is deficient. With a full history, examination and labs we can decide what blend of herbal or hormonal therapy will be right for you.

What are Bio-identical hormones?
Bio-identical hormones (natural hormones) are hormones that are identical in molecular structure to the hormones in a woman’s body. These hormones are not synthetic, they are naturally found hormones derived from wild yam and soy. Bio-identical hormone therapy is a blend of hormones, unique to you, to replace your hormone deficiencies & help ease the symptoms of Menopause.

Is Bio-identical Hormone Therapy safe?
Studies have shown that Hormone Replacement Therapy of Estrogen alone can have increased risks of Breast cancer & Heart disease. Studies also show that estrogen in combination with progesterone does not have the effect that estrogen alone or synthetic progesterone can have on the body. Here at NCOH, our doctors thoroughly review your risk potential & take numerous steps to keep your risks low.

Is Natural Hormone Therapy right for me?
Let’s find out! Come in for a full work up by scheduling an appointment,
(360) 651 9355.

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316 State Avenue, Suite A - Marysville, WA 98270
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